
Life improving technologies

We are working for an evolution of technology to happy people, happy people to hopeful future.

We set out in 2003 with our qualified software solutions. Our story started in Ankara Cyberpark. We have produced software solutions in multiple disciplines such as finance, insurance, risk management, document management and geographic information systems. Our team has expanded day by day. In line with our common goal, we formed a team of software engineers, quality control engineers, graphic designers, analysts and business development experts.

We have moved our headquarters to Hacettepe Technocity in 2019. Established our Izmir Office in 2021. We transferred our multi-disciplines software solutions experience to hardware studies. Software and hardware integrity provided the opportunity of unique robotic studies.

Health targeted studies have expanded to the fields of training, professional sports and technology. The technology we developed has presented unique solutions from health to defense, sports and games.

Bu anlayış içerisinde QUADROTICS markamız doğdu. Doğadan aldığımız ilham ile mutlak dengeyi hedefledik. Ateş, su, toprak, hava bütünlüğünün getirdiği mutlak denge markamızın özünü oluşturdu.

QUADROTICS brand was born within this understanding. With the inspiration from nature, we aimed for absolute balance. The absolute balance that arises from the integrity of fire, water, earth and air formed the essence of our brand.

We have divided our focus points into 4 main disciplines. Health, Professional Sports, Training and Technology.

We have worked and still working for life improving technologies.

Our products and services serve health professionals as life improving elements.
We adapt our technology to other technologies as a system integrator.
Professional Sports
With our technologies that integrate analysis, diagnosis and diagnostic capabilities, we offer performance improvements in professional sports and athletes.
We bring the confidence of working with an expert to your comfort zones.

Our expert team is waiting for you

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Quadrotics ® is a registered trademark of   Bilintek Teknoloji Yazılım   company.